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Enhancing the experiences for black and brown scholars on Boarding School Campuses

We offer vital social and financial support because the hidden cost of a boarding school can alienate students from their peers.  We believe you will get the most out of a scholar if you allow them the opportunity to enjoy their experience.

Sherrie-Ann Gordon Foundation

The Sherrie-Ann Gordon Foundation's social mission is one that reflects Sherrie’s values. Attending a boarding school can be shell-shocking for some black and brown kids from the inner cities. The fund allows students the opportunity to seamlessly transition into a new setting that can be intimidating both socially and financially. Without additional non-financial aid assistance, many black and brown students will never have the chance to fully embrace the experience, or worse, never complete the journey they began.


Independent school funding

The better your experience, the better the stories.
The better the stories, the more
students are interested.
The more students are
interested, the larger the enrollment.
The larger the
enrollment, the better the school.
The better the school, the
better the experience.

Diverse student opportunities
Comprehensive Transition Support

Providing essential aid to ensure a smooth adjustment to boarding school life.

Educational transition assistance
Bridging Financial

Offering financial assistance to remove barriers and support educational success.

Student empowerment foundation
Empowering Student Success

Enabling black and brown students to thrive and fully engage in their boarding school experience.

Everything in life is a full circle, will you give to grow this circle?

Access to Opportunities

Financial Aid

Community Integration

Lasting Impact


Being able to fully immerse yourself in the diverse opportunities afforded to you is paramount for a fulfilling independent school experience. This fund was created to complete the student experience. It allows for the diversity Williston is dedicated to achieving to be more inclusive and that will be more impactful.

There will never be another Sherrie, but what this is poised to do is create another student who can embrace the school, their community, and go on to make an amazing difference in people's lives around the world like she did. This is who she is. This is what she would have wanted.

Give a Gift

Please fill out the form below and you will be redirected to our giving page.

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